Please email or call for an estimated service time, prior to sending in your system.
There will be a significant delay time this season as the work load (demand) has been high AND we have been short-handed.
Thank you for your understanding!
With today's fuels, fuel injector service has become more critical than ever. Today's fuels attract moisture, deteriorate lines, and act as a cleaner... often depositing debris in the injectors.
"Clogged or partially blocked injectors" are one of the LEADING CAUSES of engine failure, especially in 2-stroke EFI or DFI models.
Breathe new life into your engine by having your injectors Professionally CLEANED, VALIDATED, and Flow Rate/Calibration Tested!
We service all of the below examples (and many others too)!
Optimax Direct Injector |
Optimax Side-Feed Injector |
Siemens/Deka |
Keihin Injector |
Proper injector flow is CRITICAL to the proper performance of your engine.
Whether your injectors are top feed, side feed, or Optimax Direct Injectors- we're equipped to Professionally clean and flow-test them! Many injectors can be adjusted to correct FLOW VARIANCES if necessary, through our proprietary adjustment/calibration methods.
Injectors are INDIVIDUALLY flow-tested under a WIDE VARIETY of Actual ENGINE RUNNING condition similations, resulting in a more accurate and precise delivery. Individual testing of injectors is CRITICAL when attempting to identify flow or functional variances.
Our injector lab is equipped with CUSTOM-DESIGNED, state-of-the-art testing equipment designed SPECIFICALLY for OUR LAB to accurately VALIDATE and test the fuel injectors used in MERCURY (as well as other Marine) engine applications. The lab is climate controlled- and test fluid is monitored continuously for temperature and specific gravity to ensure consistent results.
Our equipment was designed by a a Team of Engineers AND a Mercury Master Technician, who specializes SPECIFICALLY in Mercury (and Optimax) Fuel Systems, and has accurately serviced THOUSANDS of injectors.
Our service includes:
- Numbering of the injectors
- Pre-service FUEL Injector CONDITION and Functional VALIDATION throughout the Engine RPM range- at ENGINE (appropriate) fuel system operation pressures **
- Flow Testing (with reports)
- Ultrasonic Cleaning in our Proprietary Solution
- BACKFLUSHING of the injectors (to remove debris and particulate matter)
- Post Testing and function validation of the injectors (with reports)
- Filter and o-ring service where applicable
- Lubrication of the injector (with our proprietary mixture) to prevent corrosion.
Injectors are arranged specifically for peak performance in YOUR engine, and packaged safely prior to being to being returned to you.
**Especially important for Optimax Injectors and Direct Injectors- which operate at SUBSTANTIALLY higher pressures than traditional EFI injectors, and therefore MUST be tested INDIVIDUALLY, at higher pressures, to accurately validate their function.
99% of the available "equipment" many use to "clean" injectors is not capable of accurately testing/validating these injectors!
Additional Cost Services include:
- Service-Swap Injectors
- New (Original Equipment Replacement) Injectors or Fuel Rails (where required)
- Injector Calibration Adjustments
- Removal of injectors from Intake
- VST Cleaning or Repair
- Optimax Fuel Rail Cleaning/Service/Repair (or replacement Diaphrams/Components)
- NEW Air or Fuel Pressure Diaphrams or Regulators- *ONLY AVAILABLE WITH SERVICE
- Calibration of Air/Fuel Pressure Regulators *Required when replacing regulator components
- Reed-Block Resurfacing/Reed Mounting
Please send your ENTIRE Rail and Injector system (Fuel Rails, ALL hoses (do not remove ANY allen screws), Fuel injectors still in the rails, and the Direct Injectors bubble-wrapped separately).
We do not service incomplete Optimax Systems due to the high probability of debris or carbon in the fuel rails, which would contaminate freshly cleaned or serviced injectors. Optimax Service will include Rail Cleaning/Service, Fuel Injector Cleaning and Service, and Direct Injector Cleaning and Service.
Any incomplete Optimax Systems sent in will result in a Service Delay.
Essentially- you can ship us your ENTIRE ENGINE'S fuel system... and we can clean, service or repair each component- ensuring that it will function PROPERLY.
MANY facilities provide injector cleaning, flow testing, etc.
At INTEGRITY Injection, you not only get the assistance of a fuel injector specialist: A Mercury Marine Master Technician with over 38 years experience performs or verifies EVERY injector serviced- and validates each injector's function at REAL engine operational similations and pressures! **
We specialize in Mercury, Optimax, EFI, Fourstroke, Verado and Mercruiser Fuel Injectors!
TDR Performance Reeds |
| Now is an excellent time to consider replacing your REEDS! We carry OEM Mercury, and a FULL LINE of top quality TDR Fiber Reeds! Call or Email for recommendations specific to your engine...
VERY IMPORTANT- Please Read: |
Please DO NOT pack your fuel system components in foam, polystyrene foam, or Circus Peanuts! Any systems received packaged with these components may be subject to additional charges, as these components are damaging to the lab, and lab equipment!
We recommend BUBBLE-WRAP and/or Air-Bags as excellent packaging choices!
When sending in Optimax Rails and/or Direct Injectors, PLEASE make note on your injector service form if you have EVER had an Air Compressor Failure. Direct injectors that have been subjected to a Compressor Failure MUST be cleaned BEFORE they are placed in our equipment (failure to notify may damage expensive equipment).
Service times vary depending on the number of systems received each day. Our office will notify you of our projected service schedule upon RECEIPT of your injectors or system, based on the actual schedule and number of systems in the schedule, at that time.
Optimax Owners:
While we can repair or replace virtually any component in your fuel system, we cannot correct severe corrosion. The pictures shown to the right are examples of corrosion that requires REPLACEMENT (rails that exhibit this level of corrosion are not serviceable, and must be replaced).
Click any Picture for Full-Size View: -------->